Mouse Publishing's guest author -

Kevin Hyland

- shares two of his health-related
products right here.

1. The Good News About Cataracts
Click Here For An Overview


2. The Two Minute Guide To
Successful Dieting

reproduced below in full:

Losing weight for health and vitality is laughably simple. Yes - you need a bit of determination and some will power, but the rules are straightforward and THEY WORK.

1. Concentrate on your short term goals only. Don't obsess with the whole fifty pounds you need to lose - just fix on the pound or two you will lose this week.

2. Get busy! If you feel a craving for something, do something active - take a walk or vacuum the living room or clean a few windows. Cravings pass, if you keep yourself occupied. Most importantly, it can help work off some anger, which is a common trigger for binge eating.

3. If you think you're hungry, but it’s not close to a meal time, try this before eating - BRUSH YOUR TEETH. The urge to eat may pass in the time it takes to do this and if not, then perhaps you are genuinely hungry - so go ahead with "proper food".

4. Drink even when you aren't thirsty. Water is the best drink, no doubt about it. Tea and coffee are fine, but overdosing on caffeine isn't a great idea. Alcohol is only good for you in moderation - say up to a couple of units a day, a couple of days a week. And if you don't already drink, don't start. Milk is something we have become used to but let's face it - milk is for baby mammals. Just to be precise - baby mammals of the same species. There's lots of money in the dairy industry, but not all that much to recommend the products. You get a better intake of calcium from greens.

5. Regularly weigh yourself in the morning, before breakfast but after visiting the bathroom. This practically eliminates the fluctuations caused by changes in the body's water balance.

6. Eat WHOLESOME FOOD ONLY. Our bodies have only had a generation to adapt to processed foods and a mere 5,000 years to get used to "farmed foods" - but for more than ten times that period we lived as hunter-gatherers. Cave men lived on fresh meat and fish, eggs, nuts, berries, fruit and maybe some root vegetables. With these foods - the diet our bodies evolved to exist upon - stone age man thrived and spread across the globe.

Let me go off on a tangent here - one example of the vitality of these ancients is the skulls exhibiting healed burr-holes. Being able to survive after an "operation" making a hole in the skull (to relieve pressure, presumably) with non-sterile, crude tools and no antibiotics or intra venous drips - is frankly incredible. But survive they did, at least long enough for the edges of the wound in the skull to heal - months at least, possibly years.

7. Some foods are just plain bad for you. Eat only in moderation, and preferably AVOID ENTIRELY the following: refined sugar, hydrogenated fats and white flour. The more processed any foodstuff is, the less goodness you'll get from it.

8. Avoid the grocery store when you're hungry. Do your food shopping only after a meal, go with a list and stick to it.

9. Pay attention to your food. Savour its flavour and texture, take your time with meals and chew it thoroughly. If you unconsciously wolf down your food, you'll likely eat more but still feel unsatisfied. Stop eating when you're no longer hungry. You are in control of what you put into your mouth, even if you aren't the person who prepares or serves your meals. You don't have to finish what's on your plate - or in the serving dish. Most stuff can be chilled or frozen and used later or another day. Why compound your guilt about waste with guilt about overeating? You may find that four or five small meals or snacks satisfy you better than "three square meals".

10. Know yourself; where did your excess weight come from? For at least a fortnight, keep a diary of everything you eat and include the time of day, how you felt at the time, what you were doing and how you felt after you ate. Chances are, you'll discover that many times when you looked for a snack, you weren't hungry at all - you were bored or frustrated or annoyed instead. Make a note of everything you eat, including what you taste when you cook. If you train yourself to monitor what you eat, you will become more disciplined to EAT ONLY WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY - and you'll soon lose the excess weight.

One final note: if you are going to use food as a reward, keep the rewards small and savour them. Losing three pounds in a week does not warrant a lavish meal out as a celebration. Maybe you could treat yourself with a couple of squares of dark chocolate, but no more. Better still, establish a new reward system. Buy yourself a non-edible reward when you reach a milestone (a total of ten pounds lost, fifty miles walked or whatever).

Two Minutes to Successful Dieting © Kevin Hyland

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